Looking for KAL web site to accept your contributed articles? Wondering how to write and submit contributed articles? If you’re a gifted linguist the readers and callers of KAL will find out before you know it. They will rate your work with their comments and feedback. Writing a contributed article is a great way to publish your ideas.
Suppose you are having this bright idea to solve many major issues of the Kurdish language and you would like to find out how others appraise your views. Do you think it would make sense to send KAL a contributed article that we would post on this website?
Of course it would. This site gets tons of traffic from callers all around the world and they have one thing in common, the features and aspects of Kurdish language. In fact, it’s widely regarded as one of the best websites on Kurdish language studies.
All contributed articles must contain novel aspects that will make them worthy of publication. It is the authors’ responsibility to obtain copy right holder’s permission for reproducing previously published material. Previously published figures, tables or components of any article must be appropriately referenced. Articles are submitted on the understanding that all named authors have agreed to the submission.
Submission constitutes an authorization for publication by KAL, on a non-exclusive basis. No compensation is offered for published articles. The articles will be archived in electronic format at KAL database. Authors are fully responsible for the published material and the journal and/or KAL are not liable for the content of any article published as Contributed Article.
How to Write and Submit your Contributed Articles
Contributed articles at KAL are an excellent way to evaluate views, ideas, solutions, and expert level for pioneers in Kurdish linguistic fields. They raise your visibility, establish you as an author, and can lead to significant website traffic and new inbound leads. When you submit your article KAL will make a quick editorial, quality review before it is posted on Contributed Articles section. Here are some tips for writing and submitting contributed articles:
Authors should initiate contact with KAL Contact Form to get instruction for sending the article via e-mail. In the submission e-mail, authors should indicate the field of the study. The editor will make a decision on the articles suitability for publication on KAL web site. The editor will have a significant in put in terms of improving the style, presentation and language of the article. Once satisfied, the editor will forward a final version of the article with his/her recommendation to the Main Author, who has the final say on the articles publication. Authors who are not satisfied with the editor’s recommendation or final decision will have the right of appeal and should request reconsideration.
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