
Does not KAL think that combined letters will make the learning process more complicated?

No they will not. In contrary with the framework for previous successor of Kurdish orthography by legends like J. Bedir Xan and T. Wehbí whom considered […]

Why not a pan-Kurdish language now?

The Kurdish language is vibrant and multi-dialectic and has one of the richest oral literature traditions in the world. A unified writing and scripting system will […]

How Can I Get Involved with Projects like KAL and KURDISTANICA and Contribute to Their Cause?

There are several meaningful ways for individuals and organizations to get involved with projects, such as the Kurdish Academy of Languages (KAL) and KURDISTANICA. These projects […]

Why language is such an important issue?

Language is the vehicle that we commonly use to exchange ideas in our shared environment. In short, language is one of the keys that unlock the […]