

چرا زبان از اهمیت ویژه ای برخوردار است؟

چرا زبان از اهمیت ویژه ای برخوردار است؟ Sat, 12/06/2010 – 15:55 — Admin زبان وسیله تبادل افکار و همچنین یکی از کلیدهای گشودن قفل ذهن […]

What are the language identifier codes for Kurdish language? Fri, 27/08/2010 – 16:39 — Admin Language codes are those that assigns letters and/or numbers as identifiers […]

How can I get involve with projects such as KAL and KURDISTANICA so that I might be able to contribute to this good cause? Sat, 28/06/2008 […]

Aenean ligula mol stie viverra quae melesua porta

Vitae adipiscing turpis. Aenean ligula nibh, molestie id viverra dapibus at.