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Who was he? When/where was he born?
Shaykh Yusuf Ziya’u’d-Din (Ziya ad-Din) Pasha al-Khalidi al-Maqdisf,
A Kurdish-Arabic Dictionary (الهدیّـة المحمیدیّـة فی اللّغـة الكردیّـة), with an Introduction on the Grammar of the language, concluding with an Anthology, Pp- 3I9- Constantinopol, 1310 (1892-3).
KAL needs your scholarly expertise in this area. Please register with us and help collecting information in this subject area.
Who was he? When/where was he born?
Shaykh Yusuf Ziya’u’d-Din (Ziya ad-Din) Pasha al-Khalidi al-Maqdisf,
A Kurdish-Arabic Dictionary (الهدیّـة المحمیدیّـة فی اللّغـة الكردیّـة), with an Introduction on the Grammar of the language, concluding with an Anthology, Pp- 3I9- Constantinopol, 1310 (1892-3).
An article from the First Kurdish news paper "Kurdistan" about this book
“Hin Xalidi hene, li Qudsa şerif in. Yek ji van, xweyfezl u kerem şex Yusuf Ziyaeddin Paşa ye. Xwede umre wi direj u ilme wi zede bike. Beri şeş sala kitebek çekiriye, nave ve kitebe “El-Hediyyet’ul Hemidiyye fi’l Luxet’il Kurdiyye" ye. Ev kiteb wek Erebi yi behsa qewaiden ezimane Kurmanci dike. Luxaten Kurmanci hemi gihandine hev, ve kitebe de nivisiye. Mala wi ava, esaek ji ezmane Kurmanca re dani. Ex hevi dikim ku ulema u mir u paşayen Kurda ji ve kitebe peyda bikin. Gelek kitebek qenc e. Ulemayen Kurda re lazim e ku ew ji ji ezamne xwe re tişki binivsin.”
Kurdistan 7 Mayıs/ sene 1314 (1898)
Mikdat Mithat Bey (Bedirhanzade)