Peyvname, e-Dictionary Project

A unified Electronic Dictionary for Kurdish

Peyvname® is KAL’s e-Dictionary and Word Bank project. The goal of this project is to create the first unified online Kurdish dictionary. The project will begin with a Kurdish Word Bank, followed by dictionaries in Kurdish-Kurdish, Kurdish-English, and English-Kurdish. The project will spell words from any Kurdish dialect using the Kurdish unified alphabet, but it will also represent other writing systems.

The project is a multi-proposal project that necessitates the participation of many experts. Please contact us if you are a linguist, lexicographer, computer programmer (database and application developer), or otherwise willing to share your knowledge with these projects.

At the moment, we are soliciting donations to invest in this product; please see the KAL donation section for more information. Your contribution has the potential to make a difference.

A Kurdish-English Dictionary | Taufiq Wahby, C J. Edmonds