Seyda Jigerxwín, (1903 – 1984)

Seyda JigerxwínThe Writer and Kurdish poet Seyda Jigerxwín, was born in 1903 to Hesaré, village near the city of Mardin. His real name was Shexmús Hesen.

Seyda JigerxwínThe Writer and Kurdish poet Seyda Jigerxwín, was born in 1903 to Hesaré, village near the city of Mardin. His real name was Shexmús Hesen. During World War I in early 1914 which led to the fall of Ottoman Empire and creation of the new state of Turkey, Seyda’s family forced to become refugees of war and fled to Amude near the city of Qamishli in today’s North Eastern Syria. From 1923, he become a militates for the Kurdish cause and after the destruction of the revolt of Sheik Seyíd in 1925, he had to flee the new born Turkish state.

Jigerxwín studied theology and became a cleric in 1921. In 1948 he joined the Communist Party of Syria and became a candidate for parliament in 1954. He left the party in 1957 to create the Azadí (Freedom) organization. Later, this new party was united with the Kurdish Democratic Party of Syria. He was arrested and jailed in Damascus in 1963 and exiled to the city of Siweyda. In 1969 he moved to Iraqi Kurdistan, where he took part in the uprising. In 1973 he fled to Lebanon where he published the poetry collection of  "Kí me ez?" (Who Am I?).

Jigerxwín returned to Syria in last 1976. The unbearable situation in Syria forced him to go to exile again in 1989. This time he resided in Sweden where many collections of his poems were published. Jigerxwín is the author of ten collections of Kurdish poetry. Seyde Jigerxwín passed away in 1984 at the age of 70. He was brought back to Kurdistan buried as closest as he code get to his home town of Mardin in the Kurdish city of Qamishlí.


  1. AGIR Ú PIRÚSK, Jigerxwín,
  2. SEWRA AZADÍ, Jigerxwín,
  3. KÍ ME EZ?, Jigerxwín, díwana ekan, Stockholm, 1980,
  4. RONAK, Jigerxwín, díwana caran, Stockholm, 1980,
  5. ZEND-AVISTA, Jigerxwín, díwana péncan, Stockholm, 1981,
  6. SHEFAQ, Jigerxwín, díwana sheshan, Stockholm, 1982,
  7. HÉVÍ, Jigerxwín, díwana heftan, Stockholm, 1993,
  8. ASHTÍ, Jigerxwín
  9. SALAR Ú MÍDYA, Jigerxwín
  10. SHEREFNAMA MENZÚM, Jigerxwín
  11. FOLKLORA KURDÍ, Jigerxwín, Stockholm, 1988,
  12. TARÍXA KURDISTAN, Jigerxwín, berga 2, Stockholm, 1987,


This biography was prepared by Dilan Roshani