Computer and Internet terminology

Computer related terminologies belong to a new fast growing IT culture which requires constant attention. Many words find their place as international words and does not require an equivalent in Kurdish language. Some also are defined as proper noun which requires description rather than translation in Kurdish, such as Internet, Computer, JAVA, .Net and etc.

Computer related terminologies belong to a new fast growing IT culture which requires constant attention. Many words find their place as international words and does not require an equivalent in Kurdish language. Some also are defined as proper noun which requires description rather than translation in Kurdish, such as Internet, Computer, JAVA, .Net and etc.

KAL brings to your attention a review of Kurdish terms to show the functionality of pure Kurdish words in new science and technology such as IT. Please feel free to print these pages and remind us of your suggestions and thoughts.

English Term Witekí Kurdí
1 @ at @ le
2 Address jí níshan
3 Application Berekar
4 Archive Henbane
5 Browse Rúgirre
6 Browser Rúgirr
7 Cable Sím
9 Chat room Ceqexane
10 Click Kilik
11 Colour Reng
12 Computer Kumpútir
13 Connection Peywend
14 Copy Capbirr
15 Cut Birre
16 Database Bine Henbane
17 Delete Sirrín
18 Disk Xirroke
19 Document Bellge Núse
20 Download Dabíne
22 Dynamic Púya
23 E-Commers e-bazerganí
24 Edit Gorran
25 e-mail e-name
26 File Fayl,
27 Font Píte
28 Format Péshsaz
30 Hardware Sextekar
31 Help Yarmetí
32 Homepage Mallperr
34 image, picture Wéne
35 Install Danin
36 Installer Daner
37 Internet Íntirnit
38 IP IP
39 Keyboard Pítcin
40 link Lik
41 Link Zenjíre
42 main site, Home Berperr
43 Mass media Bellawey gishtí
44 Monitor Péshander
45 Mouse Míshk
46 Multimedia  
47 next Pashew
48 Paste Likín
49 Previous Péshew
50 Print Cap
51 Printer Capker
52 Recive Wergíre
53 Reset Pakende
54 Save Henbíne
55 Screen Rúber
56 Script Núseber
57 Search Míne
58 Search engine Míne gerr
59 Send Rewane
60 Server Server
61 Software Nermekar
62 Static Rawist
63 Submit Pesende
64 Table Xishte
66 Text Núse, Núsirawe
67 Top page Serperr
68 Translator Wergérr
69 Web Rú, Tapú
70 Web site Rúperr
71 Webmaster Rúperrwan
72 Window Penjere

 By Dilan Roshani

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